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Language: Spanish

Join from home in this 3-day online retreat and enjoy practices to develop greater connection with yourself in body and mind, and find calmness right now, in this precise moment. 

Guided by splendid instructors. 

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May 29th - 31st

Online - Zoom




A circle of sounds is a journey into ourselves in which we can meet the deepest part of us and we can heal emotions, memories, anxiety, stress, etc. thanks to the power of music, which will accompany us and lull us throughout this journey.


Músico peruano dedicado a la música meditativa y relajante, fusiona instrumentos ancestrales de todo el mundo con instrumentos modernos. Tiene 3 discos oficiales: Anahata en el 2012, Círculo de Sonidos en el 2016 y Un Paseo Por el Cosmos en el 2017


Practica meditación tibetana desde el 2011 y ganó una beca de Peace Revolution, donde participó de un retiro de meditación para artistas en Tailandia en el 2015 y aprendió con monjes tailandeses durante 2 semanas. Participa frecuentemente de otros retiros de meditación y silencio para alimentar su música.


Durante 5 años y hasta la fecha, se ha dedicado a realizar y promover los Círculos de Sonido en Lima y otras ciudades del mundo y también a musicalizar sesiones de yoga, rituales, meditaciones y performances.

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- Healthy food workshop - 

Food goes far beyond what is found in our dishes. At Darte, our mission is to help people eat healthier, and fall in love with the process of incorporating better habits into their lives, both those that nurture the body and the other parts of our being.


In the ‘healthy, simple and delicious’ workshop we will talk about the principles of healthy and natural eating, focusing on local products and organic agriculture. Then we will prepare simple and delicious recipes, using easily accessible products to create different and fun dishes. To finish, we will develop some exercises to examine our current relationship with our diet and we close the workshop with a guided meditation.


Priscilla is a  plant based cook chef. Passionate about organic agriculture and natural ways of living, eating and cooking. After studying business in Europe she experimented around farms and restaurants in the UK where she learned to cherish and respect ingredients and the people behind them. Now based in Lima, she has a starting a zero-waste food delivery called Darte (meaning ‘to give’), to help people to eat in a healthy and natural way. 



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  • Instagram - Gris Círculo


  • Instagram - Gris Círculo



- Yoga with Medicine Music -

A gentle Yoga practice for the body (for all levels of experience), connecting with our self-love to also expand it to the entire planet. The session will be accompanied by sounds and vibrations to keep the mind in the present and then guide us in a final meditation with Music Medicine.


Ing. Carolina, Hatha Yoga instructor with a therapeutic approach. Combine native instruments and healing chocolate in her classes and meditations. Passionate about medicinal plants, specialized in working with raw cocoa and creator of Chocolate Consciousness.


For his part, Miguel is an instructor of Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Meditation and HIIT (High intensity interval training). Plant-based chef and vegan athlete, promoter of healthy eating, founder of Veggie Pizza and Gorilla Foods. Dedicated to sound therapy and sound circles with ancient instruments

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Carolina Ward

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Miguel Melgar

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Gorilla Foods


- Healing Circle - 

Healing is a process of reconnection and harmonization with ourselves, the community and the energetic totality to which we belong. We will work at body-mind-soul levels, practicing Breathwork breathing, interior travel, and above all connecting with the energy of the circle of participants. Positive group intention helps us to magnify the energy of practice.


Rio Otoya is a breathing guide, focused on Breathwork healing, Yoga and shamanic travel. Rio combines modern and traditional practices. Before coming to Peru, he worked at Google Europe teaching mindfulness and leading entrepreneurship programs. Rio has been studying Classical Yoga in India since 2011 with Rishi Vishuas Mandlik and learned Breathwork with David Elliot, a pioneer in this method.

  • Facebook - Gris Círculo
  • Instagram - Gris Círculo


- EFT, active breathing and meditation -

Mauricio will guide three meditations, in which will he use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), active breathing to activate the body through oxygenation, and specific visualizations to reprogram negative patterns and find a new level of vibration and perception in ourselves. He will use different techniques to help you plant or renew seeds for your life, to ground and connect to yourself step by step, enjoying this sense of wellbeing. 


The EFT stimulates the Autonomic Nervous System to decrease levels of anxiety and stress that we sometimes indulge in.


Mauricio is a certified EFT student and he has guided this practice in group and personal sessions. He felt the calling and need to create Amaru, Inner Growth Alliance, as an extension of what has served him to get closer to his heart, light and shadows. A never ending path of how to be vulnerable for a deeper connection within himself and others, opening up to new possibilities that the Universe has for everyone.  





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Amaru, Inner Growth Alliance

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5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Healing Sound Circle (Ruy Hinostroza)


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

EFT, active breathing and meditation Journey into Calmness (Mauricio Gil)





10AM - 12PM

Yoga with Medicine Music (Carolina Ward / Miguel Melgar)


3PM - 5PM

Healthy, simple and delicious - (Priscilla Hannaford)


7PM - 8PM

EFT, active breathing and meditation Andamios (Mauricio Gil)





3PM  - 5PM

Healing Circle (Rio Otoya)


7PM - 8PM

EFT, active breathing and meditation Heart Expansion (Mauricio Gil)

May 29th - 31st

Online - Zoom

Exchange: 70 soles (3 days) / 50 soles (2 days at your choice)

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